Interactive Exhibit

Rogers Environmental Education Center

Interactive Exhibit

Sherburne, NY

Empire had the pleasure of designing and installing this custom exhibit for Rogers Environmental Education Center in Sherburne, NY. The exhibit aim to educate visitors about the local environment and the threats to it, as well as to engage children in a fun, interactive way.

The exhibit consists of graphic panels, a protective wood barrier, and three interactive displays. The first tackles the education in native and invasive species. Using local plantlife, Empire created a “garden” where the user can identify plants and whether they are invasive or native, and place them in the correct area.

The second interactive informs the user about climate change and what they can do to help. Things like turning off the water or lights. Flip up panels give additional information.

The third teaches about maple syrup and how it’s made. Hang your bucket on the spile in the faux maple tree, and your on your way!

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